Blue’s Birth Story, Part 2

If you missed the first part of the story, click here to start at the beginning.

After confirming that I was, in fact, pregnant with the home pregnancy test, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. I know that it’s standard procedure, but it was really disappointing to have to wait until I was 10 weeks pregnant to go in for the first time. I just wanted to hear the doctor tell me that I was pregnant. I thought that maybe if I heard it from an expert, then I would allow myself to believe it. When the appointment (finally) rolled around, I was excited and nervous. I’d never been to a prenatal appointment before and I didn’t know what to expect and I was worried that the doctor would tell me that I wasn’t pregnant after all.

Thankfully, the doctor only confirmed that I really was pregnant and talked with me about what I needed to do to be healthy during the pregnancy.

The first trimester went by pretty quickly and through it all I felt pretty good. I discovered early on that if I ate several small meals & snacks throughout the day I never felt very nauseous, but if I let myself get very hungry or overate it was bad news! I was able to successfully make it through the first trimester with out throwing up once – which was my goal!

Everything was pretty much smooth sailing through the second trimester. I felt really good and didn’t gain any weight. Don’t worry, I had extra to start out with! I continued to feel really good and even enjoy my pregnancy until I was 32 weeks pregnant. After that I spent a few weeks on bed rest and was pretty emotional as a result – actually I was REALLY emotional!

Starting at 32 weeks, I began having some contractions. They were mostly Braxton-Hicks contractions, but until then I hadn’t been having any. Slowly they got stronger and began to last longer. When I went to the doctor for my 37 week appointment I had been having contractions all day, but nothing that seemed regular or painful. Just a tightening of my tummy. Some were mildly uncomfortable, but I didn’t think I was in labor. My doctor thought otherwise! I had a contraction while he was measuring my tummy and after checking my cervix, he told me that he thought I was in labor and he was going to send me to the hospital for monitoring.

Part 3 continues here.

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